Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Here we go again...

Right. Apart from changing my life http://www.benrik.co.uk/ it has been a good while since I blogged. But, my mother tells me I write funny, and as we all know, mothers must be obeyed. So here we are again, sat in front of the computer with all these ideas, and not a single one comes out right...
I suppose I have chosen the right day to start though. Apparently, today the world changes. Mr Obama is the new president of the worl....sorry, United States. According to the news, he'll be sworn in to be "The next President of the United States". Hold on, surely he'll be the CURRENT president? Before he's sworn in he's the NEXT president, but once he is sworn in... Bad grammar makes me [sic]. Boom Boom.
To be quite honest, I'm a little bit bored of Obama. Already. It's not that I don't think he'll be good, it's just that he's painted as some sort of Messiah for the masses, who has come to save the world. Yet, I know not of any of his proposed policies. "Change we need". Yes, perhaps, but so far the only change I know of for sure is that he's Black (even though he's mixed race, and it's apparently insulting to mixed race people to call them black since it stops them from identifying as their true self), and Not Bush, which I sort of guessed already. What with him not being Bush and all.
The cynic in me almost hopes there's gonna be a Clinton-esque scandal, just to see how the world reacts to their holy boy being naughty... But I mustn't wish that upon us.
I'm sure Obama will be a perfectly adequate president, but I just don't agree with this mega-hype, especially not before he's even started. But perhaps I am a cynic. I'll keep quiet and see what happens. Good Luck to you Mr Obama, I hope it all goes well. I would have liked to see a performance of Chris Moyles' Barack Obama song though, that would have been a good laugh... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eyyVjRclj0s

Bringing it all back home now. Yesterday morning, I came out to find a note on my car from the people across the road from us. "Please stop leaving your car outside my house for days on end". Now then... We park on the road on our street. At five pm, you're not exactly spoilt for choice. On Friday, I had to park outside their house. Normally I'm out and about during the weekend, but this week it just so happened that we used hubby's car instead, so the car was left parked there. Combine that with the fact that we are apparently The Neighbour Repellers, and we have a problem... Hubby suggested telling them that we thought the walk might do them some good. I'm not all that surprised we are The Neighbour Repellers, at least not hubby.... Sarah had a more evil genius-style idea though. She said to leave it outside their house, and then put a clamp on it. "Sorry, there's nothing I can do mate. Unless you lend me £65 to unclamp it...." Hello, second income! I think I might leave it for now. I will park my car there if need be though, I'm not parking four streets down if there's no other option. Plus, I've got a Ka. It's the size of a shoe box.

I shall sign out for tonight. More pressing matters arise. Such as spending 15 minutes on my exercise board. Hello, size 8! ;) Ciao!

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